
Bankruptcy CLE

Madison Public Library 142 Plaza Blvd, Madison, AL, United States

5 MCLE Credits including 1 Hour of Ethics

17th Judicial Circuit

Foscue House Restaurant 21333 US Highway 80 W, Demopolis, AL, United States

2022 Red Mass

St. Peter Catholic Church 219 Adams Ave, Montgomery, AL, United States

St. Peter Catholic Church will host the annual Red Mass prior to the opening of the Alabama Supreme Court 2022-2023 term. You are invited to join with people of all faiths to celebrate the centuries-old tradition that reflects upon the responsibility of individuals in the legal profession to seek justice both in our courts and in […]

Pro Bono Month Book Club Meeting 1


Join us to discuss Evicted by Matthew Desmond. This week we will dive into the Prologue - Chapter 6. Add the meeting to your calendar here. Review the reading questions below. 1. Have you ever been evicted or do you know anyone who has? Do you represent clients in eviction actions? If not, do the […]

Wills and Estates CLE


Presenter: Joel Dorroh, Esq. with Dorroh & Mills,  PC Register here. This course has been approved by the ASB for 60 minutes of MCLE credit.

ASB Labor & Employment Law Section 2022 Seminar on the Gulf

Event Information Thursday, October 06 2022 2:00 PM - Saturday, October 08 2022 12:00 PM The Lodge at Gulf State Park, 21196 E Beach Blvd, Gulf Shores, AL, 36542, United States. Register here: 2022 ASB Labor & Employment Section - Annual Seminar on the Gulf ( View the paper brochure here: Alabama State Bar […]

10 Ethics Pitfalls CLE


Presenter: Cooper Shattuck Register here. This course has been approved by the ASB for 60 minutes of MCLE credit.

Legal Symposium

Cumberland School of Law (Great Room) 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL, United States

Two Days of Events Honor Career of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black (Birmingham, AL)        U.S. District Judge Myron H. Thompson of Montgomery and Yale Law School’s Sterling Professor of Law Akhil Reed Amar will keynote the dedication of the Hugo Black Monument and Park in Ashland, Alabama on October 15, 2022 . The dedication […]

Appellate Mediation: How to Get the Best Experience for You and Your Client CLE


Moderator: Claire Veal, Esq. Panelists: Sam Irby, Esq. Sally Bowers, Esq. Charles Denaburg, Esq. Jimmy Walter, Esq. Michelle Ohme, Supreme Court Appellate Mediation Office Register here. Sponsors:  Montgomery County Bar Association and the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution This course has been approved by the ASB for 60 minutes of MCLE credit.

Bar Admissions Ceremony

Montgomery Performing Arts Center 201 Tallapoosa Street, Montgomery, AL, United States

To honor the new admittees of the Alabama State Bar and their outstanding accomplishments, the Young Lawyers’ Section of the Alabama State Bar will host a formal Admission Ceremony on Thursday, October 20, 2022, at the Montgomery Performing Arts Centre in downtown Montgomery, Alabama. The Supreme Court of Alabama, Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, and Alabama Court […]

Free Zoom CLE


Optimizing Technology in a Solo or Small Law Firm in the New Normal: Affordable Software Solutions that Support a Hybrid Workplace

Mid-Year Meeting

The Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel and Spa 26 N Royal Street, Mobile, AL, United States

Join the Alabama State Bar for its Mid-Year Meeting January 18-20, 2023, at The Battle House Hotel in Mobile, Alabama.  The Alabama Circuit and District Court Judges will be right down the street at The Riverview Hotel.  The Mobile and Baldwin County Bar Associations have planned two joint receptions for our members and the judges […]

CLE: Coping with Illness and the Practice of Law


Attorneys Erika Tatum and Sherrie Phillips will present this health and wellness CLE on ways to cope with your own illness or the illness of loved ones while engaging in the practice of law. They will provide tips on finding a balance between work and health, how to disclose a diagnosis, preparing for sick days, […]

ABA Techshow 2023

Chicago, Illinois

ABA TECHSHOW has over 37 years of experience bringing legal professionals and technology together. Legal work today is dependent on technology to manage day to day activities, to practice more competently, and to service clients more effectively. ABA TECHSHOW teaches you how technology can work for you. Through the expansive EXPO Hall, CLEs, presentations, and […]

CLE: Practicing Law Should Not Kill You

Virtual through Zoom

Register here. Lawyers are near the top of some bad categories when it comes to all professions. We are near the top in substance abuse, suicide depression, anxiety, divorce, and burnout. Those are just the boxes that I check. Lawyers rate very poorly when it comes to job satisfaction as well. You may be wondering […]

CLE: How Positive and Negative Energy Affects Your Practice

Learn how you can set the tone to create a positive environment/culture with Make-A-Wish President and CEO, Tracy Bennett Smith. Register in advance for this webinar:  

Health and Wellness CLE: Changing Neural Pathways through Practices Such as Yoga and Meditation

Ali Seidenstein, a resident in Orthopaedic Surgery at Johns Hopkins University, will discuss her research on epigenetics, the differences between distress and eustress, setting new neural pathways, and how yoga and meditation can help. This Wellness CLE is hosted by the Alabama State Bar's Quality of Life, Health, and Wellness Committee and sponsored by Carney […]