
Mid-Year Meeting

The Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel and Spa 26 N Royal Street, Mobile, AL, United States

Join the Alabama State Bar for its Mid-Year Meeting January 18-20, 2023, at The Battle House Hotel in Mobile, Alabama.  The Alabama Circuit and District Court Judges will be right […]

CLE: Coping with Illness and the Practice of Law


Attorneys Erika Tatum and Sherrie Phillips will present this health and wellness CLE on ways to cope with your own illness or the illness of loved ones while engaging in […]

ABA Techshow 2023

Chicago, Illinois

ABA TECHSHOW has over 37 years of experience bringing legal professionals and technology together. Legal work today is dependent on technology to manage day to day activities, to practice more […]

CLE: Practicing Law Should Not Kill You

Virtual through Zoom

Register here. Lawyers are near the top of some bad categories when it comes to all professions. We are near the top in substance abuse, suicide depression, anxiety, divorce, and […]

CLE: How Positive and Negative Energy Affects Your Practice

Learn how you can set the tone to create a positive environment/culture with Make-A-Wish President and CEO, Tracy Bennett Smith. Register in advance for this webinar: