Free 6-hour Bankruptcy CLE
Join the Alabama Bankruptcy Assistance Project Thursday, Dec. 2, (9 am - 3 pm) for a free 6-hour Bankruptcy CLE at the Wirehouse Rehabilitation Center in Dothan. Register here to attend this in-person CLE.
Join the Alabama Bankruptcy Assistance Project Thursday, Dec. 2, (9 am - 3 pm) for a free 6-hour Bankruptcy CLE at the Wirehouse Rehabilitation Center in Dothan. Register here to attend this in-person CLE.
Jay Town FREE CLE: The Government's Lawyer Join us Dec. 8, from Noon - 1 p.m., as we kick off a month dedicated to Federal and State Government Lawyers. The Alabama State Bar will host a free 1-hour CLE featuring Jay Town, former U.S. Attorney, former Asst. District Attorney, and former Marine JAG lawyer. Register here.
Comparing the Roles of State Agency Counsel and Private Appointed Counsel Brad A. Chynoweth, Assistant Chief Deputy Attorney General, Civil Division, will explain the role of career lawyers in State government and the process by which the Attorney General’s office approves outside counsel to represent state agencies. This 1.0 CLE event is co-sponsored by the […]
Join the Quality of Life, Health and Wellness Committee for a free CLE: A Perspective on Health and Wellness for Lawyers and Judges and Ethical Considerations. The course has been approved for 1.0 CLE including an ethics credit. Friday, Dec. 17, 2021 | 12 to 1 p.m. The panel discussion features Judge Martha Cook, Judge Brendette […]
Join the Wellness committee as they host a FREE wellness CLE! MINDFULNESS MEDITATION AND YOGA: A Path to WELL-BEING AND BALANCE IN THE LEGAL PROFESSION You must register to attend, and registration is now open. Register today:
Practicing Joy, Gratitude, & Awe A Webinar Sponsored by the Well Being in Law Institute **Not approved for Alabama CLE credit** CLICK HERE TO REGISTER An important pathway to well-being that positive psychology seeks to harness is the activation of positive emotional states to promote mental health and protect against depressive symptoms. In this session, […]
Four Spiritual Practices To Foster Greater Purpose in Your Everyday Life A Webinar Sponsored by the Well Being in Law Institute **Not approved for Alabama CLE credit** CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Well-Being is a continuous process needed to stay healthy, mentally, physically, and spiritually, especially in today’s unpredictable world, especially for professionals working in higher […]
Four Spiritual Practices To Foster Greater Purpose in Your Everyday Life A Webinar Sponsored by the Well Being in Law Institute **Not approved for Alabama CLE credit** CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Loads of studies have found that many different types of writing promote and protect well-being, including positive effects on mood, mental health, and personal […]
Humming Jazmine Sullivan: Emotion Regulation Practices for Legal Professionals A Webinar Sponsored by the Well Being in Law Institute **Not approved for Alabama CLE credit** CLICK HERE TO REGISTER To paraphrase neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor, people are emotional beings who have thoughts rather than thinking beings who have emotions. Yet, we allocate our time and […]
Heath and Wellness Zoom CLE: How Do We Cope with It All at Once? Thursday, May 12, from 12:00 - 1:00 PM Register here: Join the Alabama State Bar's Quality of Life, Health and Wellness Committee for a free CLE on COVID-19 and its impact on mental health. The presenter, Maggie W. Banger, is a Supervising […]