
The Alabama State Bar’s Classifieds online classified ads is the hub for all of your advertising needs. Whether you’re a member of the bar looking for a fresh start with a new position, a lawyer or firm seeking the perfect person for that hard-to-fill legal or support staff job, or someone with space to lease or seeking space to share, you’ve come to the right place. Do you have old law books you’d like to find a home for, are you a legal vendor with products or services you’d like to market to Alabama State Bar members? Whatever the case, this is the place.

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Lawyer Referral Service

The Alabama State Bar Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is designed to help middle class clients who are able to pay reasonable legal fees but do know how to find a lawyer who handles their type of matter. The LRS is an ethical and effective way to generate additional fee-producing work. Lawyer Referral Service members are private practice attorneys who charge their regular rates after the initial half-hour consultation fee of $50 (which may be waived at your option). Otherwise, the fee arrangement is between the lawyer and the client.

LRS members pay $100 each year to participate, and are asked to remit five percent of any fee between $1,000 and $5,000 which is generated by a referred case. Qualified attorneys with malpractice insurance and without an ongoing disciplinary case may choose to list up to 10 areas of legal practice. All referrals are made on a rotating basis. For more information call 334-269-1515 ext. 2140 or email:

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LocalLawyers Internet-Based Client Development is a legal Internet marketing company, located in Birmingham, Alabama, which develops city and statewide Lawyer and Law Firm profile websites with Lawyer Referral capabilities and a Reputation Discovery application which helps lawyer members manage their online reputations. Local Lawyers has partnered with the Alabama State Bar to provide all ASB members with a free, uniform, basic online legal directory listing. In addition,’s Alabama City Network provides, and Any lawyer whose address falls within one of these municipalities is also entitled to a free, basic city listing.

These free listings are handled automatically for all Alabama lawyers holding a regular license to practice law, and you do not have to do anything to obtain yours, however, if you do not actively practice or otherwise do not wish to participate, you may opt out of the directory.

In addition to the free listings, ASB members may purchase Law Firm Profiles and Lawyer Profiles, all as a member benefit. For more information contact Jan Walsh, founder and president at 888-LAW-0520 or email: or request more information online.

Practice Management Assistance Program

The Practice Management Assistance Program (PMAP) serves as a clearinghouse for the collection and dissemination of information about the effective management of the modern law office. The program was created to serve the needs of solo practitioners and lawyers practicing in small firms, and to protect the public from lawyers whose management skills are inadequate to allow them to deliver competent legal services in a timely manner.

The PMAP staff can provide you with information on management, marketing, finance and technology for the small law practice, provide referrals to management and technology consultants, and answer your practice management questions. Please add: For more information call (334) 269-1515 or email:

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Public Information Brochures

The Alabama State Bar has produced a series of client information brochures that discuss the most frequently asked legal questions. Pamphlet titles include: “Lawyers and Legal Fees,” “Last Will and Testament,” “Legal Aspects of Divorce,” “Alabama Court System,” “Law as a Career,” and “Consumer Finance,” to name just a few. A number of pamphlets are also available in Spanish.

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Expand your professional contacts. Increase your expertise. Share ideas. As a member of the Alabama State Bar, you have the opportunity to join one or more of the sections that focus on a particular area of substantive law or a specific segment of the bar. Each section draws its membership from lawyers and judges with common professional interests.

Sections address professional development, improvement of laws and continuing education in a variety of substantive legal fields. The sections also have sub-committees which tackle specialized single legal issues that may be part of the overall section jurisdiction. These groups publish materials dealing with their field of expertise, much of which is not available through commercial publishers. In addition, they sponsor conferences, seminars and institutes, monitor legislation, conduct studies and make policy recommendations to the Board of Bar Commissioners. For more information call 334-517-2166.

Visiting Lawyers' Offices

As an ASB member you have full access to the bar’s four conference rooms (which can accommodate six to 30 persons), as well as a visiting lawyer’s office available for business or client use. Wireless Internet access is now available in all of the public meeting rooms at the state bar. For more information call (334) 517-2108.