Casemaker Now Has Legal Forms

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Casemaker, the Alabama State Bar’s free legal research service, is once again offering discounted forms, via U.S. Legal Forms, from within the Casemaker website. To take advantage of the forms and the…

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5 Steps to Easy(ier) Legal Accounting

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The Legal Technology Resource Center, a part of the ABA Law Practice Division, is now facilitating free webinars to help lawyers with practice management issues, and the next one, 5 Steps to…

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Check Out PacerPro – It’s Free!

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Lawyers who practice in the federal court system have long grumbled that the PACER system is clunky and hard to use. One lawyer, Gavin McGrane, was so disgruntled that he decided to…

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Is it Time for Office 365?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

If you’re like me, you can only absorb and assimilate so much change at one time. I think that’s one reason lawyers often stick with old – or even completely outdated –

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Does “The Cloud” Raise Storm Warnings at Your Firm?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Ever since Formal Opinion 2010-02 cleared the way for Alabama Lawyers to utilize cloud-based services in the practice of law, I’ve received more and more calls from lawyers who are interested in…

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Get Paid Quickly! LawPay Offers Special Incentive

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Despite the need to carefully manage cash flow, some lawyers are still making it hard for their clients to pay them. They do this by failing to accept debit and credit cards.

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Is The Government Spying on Your Law Firm?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Ever since Edward Snowden began his revelations about the domestic spying activities of the National Security Administration, lawyers have had to wonder whether their emails and phone calls have been subject to…

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WordPress in One Hour to the Rescue

- Filed Under: Practice Management

As you may have noticed based on the web address, this blog is hosted as a free WordPress site, so I was very happy to receive my copy of WordPress® in One…

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JIC Opinions Now Available in Casemaker

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The advisory opinions issued by the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission are now available through Casemaker, the Alabama State Bar’s free legal research service. Alabama lawyers can browse the opinions by date or…

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A New Year and New Ideas

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The January/February issue of Law Practice just rolled off the e-presses and, as the topic is Management, it’s chock full of good ideas that you can put to work to take your…

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