Not Bad, For Government Work!

- Filed Under: Practice Management

With legal jobs for new law school graduates harder and harder to come by, an often- overlooked source of legal jobs is the federal government. Both new and seasoned lawyers often do…

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Draft Now, Send Later

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Often, lawyers will put off drafting an email because they don’t have all the information needed to complete and send it. What they forget, or never knew to begin with, is that…

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$ave More with New Member Benefit Discounts

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The Board of Bar Commissioners recently approved four new member benefit programs offering ASB members discounts on several services that will help you – and help you save and make money –

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Policy & Procedure Manuals Make Training Easy

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Large firms often have in house training programs to bring new employees up to speed on how the firm does things. Solos and small firms, on the other hand, seldom do, and…

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ASB Job/Source Goes Live

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The ASB has just launched the ASB Job/Source, a retooled version of the online classified ad section of the website, to cater more to job seekers and those looking for staff, including…

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Stepping It Up

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The beginning of the year is a great time to bring a new focus and intensity to building your practice, and one of the best ways to generate more and better work…

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Happy New Year! Happy (?) New Laws!

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Hopefully, if you’re reading this at all today you’re doing so from the warmth and comfort of your home.  No one should be at the office on Sunday, particularly when it’s New…

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It’s Alive! The Last Word Rises from the Grave!

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Do you feel like you work hard every day yet don’t accomplish the things that really need to be done? I’m hardly one to pontificate on this topic as I haven’t posted…

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Give Your Clients a Roadmap

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Yesterday I spoke at lunch to the Solo & Small Firm Section of the Birmingham Bar Association, so I thought today I’d share one of the practice management tips I gave them…

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Is Your Web Site Ready?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

I received some interesting stats from the bar’s IT department this morning. In September, the bar’s web site received around 100,000 visits. Of these, approximately 8,000 were from mobile devices. The breakdown…

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