: Practice Management

Suddenly Solo? There’s Help Available!

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Many lawyers, particularly recent law school graduates, are finding themselves preparing to hang a shingle as the economic downturn has resulted in law firm layoffs and deferrals of new hires. Fortunately, there…

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Smooth Sailing at 38,000 Feet

- Filed Under: Practice Management

I’m posting this from Delta Flight 62 on my way home from Denver and induction into the College of Law Practice Management. It was a great weekend, with fantastic CLE and the…

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Best Bet Laptops: Now That’s Sweet!

- Filed Under: Practice Management

One of the quetions I get frequently is which laptop is best.  Well, of course, it depends on your needs.  With that in mind, I’d like to pass along this link, which…

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Get Your Hand Out of My Pocket!

- Filed Under: Practice Management

There have been several recent news reports of municipal and county court clerks here in Alabama embezzeling fees and fines that they handled in the course of their work.  Theft in the workplace goes on all the time, but it’s likely gotten worse as a result of the recession.  And it’s not just confined to public offices – it’s just more likely to be discovered because of mandatory audit processes and publicized due to open records laws.  So how safe are the funds that pass through your firm and, hopefully, fall to your bottom line and get swept into your pocket?  There are several things you can do to discourage the five finger discount among your employees and improve the likelyhood that you’ll get to keep all of the money you are working so hard to earn.
Here are a few suggestions for procedures you can put in place to prevent problems like this:

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Why Should You Care…?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

… that I ordered contact lenses from Amazon last week? Because it could be a reflection of what’s wrong with your law practice. Long story short, I’ve been using the same eye…

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Weekend Audio: Is the Borg Just around the Corner?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Over the Labor Day weekend I had a chance to get caught up on several of the podcasts I regularly listen to. One of my favorite radio programs, which I catch by…

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Supreme Court Raises Appellate Filing Fees

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The Alabama Supreme Court entered an order yesterday (August 25th) raising filing fees in all three appellate courts as follows: Direct appeal – $200 Rule 5 permission to appeal – $150 Petition…

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How Good Lawyers Survive Bad Times

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The final version of a new book just landed on my desk this morning. How Good Lawyers Survive Bad Times by Sharon Nelson, Jim Calloway and Ross Kodner is a must-read for…

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When You Go To Heaven Redux

- Filed Under: Practice Management

A few days ago I linked to Courtney Kenneday’s post on what happens when a solo practitioner or small firm lawyer unexpectedly dies or becomes disabled without a plan. What I failed…

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More Recession Survival Tips

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Speaking of Law Practice Magazine, the July/August issue is centered on the idea of Managing Change and contains, among many intresting pieces, a great short article with 15 Recession-Response Tips for Solo…

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