: The Alabama Lawyer Articles

FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Private Judging – A Means for Expediting Justice for Litigants

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The pandemic of 2020 has certainly posed challenges for our Alabama court system and contributed to a backlog of cases. This backlog creates a hardship for litigants in civil matters seeking resolution to their legal matters. Private judging offers a means for litigants to have their day in court while avoiding a potentially lengthy period of time.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: A Primer on the Alabama Open Meetings Act

Audio version available - Filed Under: The Alabama Lawyer Articles

Applying to virtually all governmental bodies in Alabama (except the courts), the Open Meetings Act requires that the public be given notice of government meetings and that the meetings have minutes.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: End of an Era – The Retirement of Bilee Cauley

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The Alabama appellate courts recently experienced the end of an era upon the retirement of Bilee Cauley as the reporter of decisions on December 31, 2020.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: 30 Faces of Pro Bono, Part 4 of 6

Audio version available - Filed Under: The Alabama Lawyer Articles

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Alabama State Bar’s Volunteer Lawyers Program. As a way to thank all of our volunteers, we have selected 30 representatives and will be sharing their stories over the coming year.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: 30 Faces of Pro Bono – Part 3 of 6

Audio version available - Filed Under: The Alabama Lawyer Articles

Google defines commitment as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. Chief U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Henry Callaway is the definition of being committed to pro bono services

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Book Review – McElroy’s Alabama Evidence, Seventh Edition (2020)

Audio version available - Filed Under: The Alabama Lawyer Articles

The long-awaited seventh edition of McElroy’s Alabama Evidence is now available. And it doesn’t disappoint.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Coloring Outside the (Child Support Guide) Lines

Audio version available - Filed Under: The Alabama Lawyer Articles

The one certainty we can all depend on in family law is that Rule 32 of the Alabama Rules of Judicial Administration establishes guidelines for calculating child support for combined family income of zero to $20,000 per month.

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When I was asked to consider writing an article for this issue, the only parameters given to me in deciding on what topic to write were posed in two questions: will the article help an actual Alabama lawyer in their practice of family law, and is the article written so that you would want to read it?

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Parenting Plans in Alabama Divorce Cases

Audio version available - Filed Under: The Alabama Lawyer Articles

Most divorce lawyers have a genuine desire to help their clients rebuild from the destruction that comes from a divorce. And one of the most important aspects of this is helping the client decide how to divide parenting time.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Registration Required – A Roadmap to Registering Foreign Domestic Relations Judgments

Audio version available - Filed Under: The Alabama Lawyer Articles

Occasionally, a party to a domestic relations case encounters the need to register another state’s support or custody judgment in Alabama. This issue arises when a party seeks to file an action in Alabama to either enforce and/or modify a judgment entered by a foreign state.

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