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Is it Time for Office 365?

As more and more firms decide it’s time to upgrade their current version of Microsoft Office, they’re confronted with the decision of whether or not to move to Office 365. Thankfully, Microsoft Office 365 for Lawyers: A Practical Guide to Options and Implementation by Ben Schorr has come along just in time to help with the decision-making process. This book answers, in plain English, all of the common questions you will be asking as you start to consider whether you should purchase another software upgrade for Office alone or enter the world of additional products and services that Office 365 has to offer .

Topics covered include how the Office 365 subscription system works, which version of Office 365 is right for you, how to integrate SharePoint into your practice, and how to troubleshoot common Office 365 issues as they arise. There is also information on using Exchange Server with Office 365 on a budget.

Technology upgrades are never easy, but you can take a lot of the pain out of the process by checking out this quick, easy read. To receive books from the PMAP Checkout Library call (334) 517-2242 or email  Or purchase it at a discount through the ASB website.