News Post
Is the iPhone Safe for Lawyers?
Published on December 9, 2009
This subject was a hot topic for discussion on Solosez on Monday. While form and features – not to mention that certain “wow” factor that makes working fun – are important whenever a lawyer selects a smartphone, Rule 1.6 of the Rules of Professional Conduct dictates that the choice of device and service provider must always rest, finally, on which can provide the greatest security for the confidential information that will reside on the device.
Since there’s been a fair amount of back and forth about this, I thought it would be useful to provide links to some information that can help you make up your mind about whether the iPhone is right for your firm. I provided a post earlier which compares the iPhone, Blackberry, Droid and Palm Pre. Sharon Nelson and John Simek of Sensei Enterprises have graciously shared their recent article titled Why Lawyers Shouldn’t Use the iPhone: A Security Nightmare. And “Cousin” Jim Calloway just shared this link to a Wired article that details some specifics on how the iPhone works and what hackers are doing to take advantage of it.
Rule 1.6 requires that you take reasonable steps to protect client confidentiality, and being informed of how the device you are considering works will get you at least half way there.