FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER – Blazing the Trail: Alabama’s First Black Lawyers

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The history of black attorneys in Alabama is a rich one, particularly their contributions during the civil rights struggle. But those attorneys, just like the black legal pioneers in recent decades who rose to seats on the Alabama Supreme Court, the federal bench, and at the helm of the Alabama Bar, stood on the shoulders of giants.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER – Keeping Your Firm Cyber-Safe: Solutions Born of Experience

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It is a common misconception that cyberattacks are instant, that if you have been attacked, it happened in that moment. It is violating enough to imagine someone breaking into your home, but I want you to imagine it.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: 30 + 1 Faces of Pro Bono – Part 6 of 6

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This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Alabama State Bar’s Volunteer Lawyers Program. As a way to thank all of our volunteers, we selected 30 representatives and have been sharing their stories over the past year.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Why Appellate Courts Commonly Dismiss or Summarily Deny Relief in Appellate Proceedings in Civil Matters

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It goes without saying (but I will nevertheless state it for the record): practice before the Alabama appellate courts in civil matters requires familiarity with the Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure, the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure, statutory law, and judicial precedent.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Tips Regarding Appeals to the Alabama Supreme Court in Civil Matters

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When appealing to the Alabama Supreme Court, practitioners must comply with the Alabama Rules of Appellate Procedure. Those rules set forth the steps for filing an appeal, information regarding time limitations

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President Taze Shepard Honored with Solo and Small Firm Section’s 2021 Outstanding Service Award

- Filed Under: Press Releases

Alabama State Bar President Taze Shepard has received the 2021 Outstanding Service Award from the Solo and Small Firm Section. The award, given annually, honors a section member who has made significant…

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Hanging a Shingle (Some Practical Pointers)

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Congratulations! By making the decision to enter the world of solo or small firm practice, you have embarked on a career that will provide you moments of unspeakable personal and professional satisfaction, punctuated by periods of uncertainty, self-doubt, great frustration, and, yes, sheer terror. Not to worry–you are not the first person to choose this path. Help is available. Read on.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Top Five Traits of Legal Professionals

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Lawyers of my generation are fond of reminiscing about what we term “the good old days.”

Back in our day, we say, we knew how to pick up the phone and take care of business; we had no need of snarky emails. Back in our day, we say, we knew how to fight fair.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Practical Considerations for Opening and Running a Plaintiff’s Litigation Practice

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Starting a new firm, despite the area of practice, can be a daunting challenge. When I left a firm and decided to open my own practice in 2010 (before eventually teaming up with my current senior partner), I knew practically nothing about how to open or run a law office.

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FROM THE ALABAMA LAWYER: Employment Law for the Solo and Small Firm Lawyer

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Alabama is an at-will employment state. An employer can terminate an employee for any reason, for no reason, or for a bad reason. The employer doesn’t have to have a reason, and he doesn’t have to give a reason.[1]

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