Maybe Your Lawyer is Drunk?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

A recent blog post from The Stubborn Writer entitled Why Your Lawyer Won’t Take or Return Your Phone Calls – The Top 10 Reasons caused a lot of heated discussion yesterday among…

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Save up to $350! ABA TECHSHOW Early Bird Deadlines Extended

- Filed Under: Practice Management

If you have been thinking about attending ABA TECHSHOW 2010 (March 25th -27th) but haven’t yet registered, you are in luck. You still have time to climb down off that fence and…

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Tech Picks: Hot Off the Press!

- Filed Under: Practice Management

If you’ve been thinking about updating your law firm’s technology, but haven’t been sure about what to get rid of and what to replace it with, you haven’t waited in vain. The…

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New Year’s Resolution: Move to Online Backup

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Stress. It comes with being a lawyer. You have enough to worry about without the added concern that your electronically stored documents, case materials and firm financial information might be lost as…

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Tips to Make the Most of Your Bar Dues

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The December issue of Law Practice Today is out, and it’s focus is very timely for the holiday season. It’s on making personal connections which, after all, are the basis on which…

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Is the iPhone Safe for Lawyers?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

This subject was a hot topic for discussion on Solosez on Monday. While form and features – not to mention that certain “wow” factor that makes working fun – are important whenever…

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Lawyer’s Guide to Word 2007 Has Ben Schorr Batting 1.000

- Filed Under: Practice Management

The only constant is change.  Especially when it comes to Microsoft Office.  Many lawyers and firms have now upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007, which is why the recent release of The Lawyer’s…

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Friday Reading: Don Draper’s Guide to Being a Better Lawyer

- Filed Under: Practice Management

I try to make time every Friday to catch up on all the things that I’ve piled up, both literally and virtually, to read when I have a chance.  As I began…

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Mining for Diamonds, Panning for Gold

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Whenever a blogger takes a couple of weeks off to catch up with other things (in this case, preparing and making CLE presentations before the end of the year) you can count on it that he or she will have a ton of stuff piled up to share.
I receive lots of new books that publishers hope I’ll review.  My desk is piled high right now.  And I dutifully try to slog through them all because, every once in a great while, the payoff is that I find a real jewel which I can pass along.
My most recent such happy discovery is The Lawyer’s Guide to Finding Success in Any Job Market by Richard L. Hermann.  According to the information about the author on the back of the book, he received his JD from Cornell Law School and is a Concord Law School professor specializing in legal career management, as well as the founder and president of Federal Reports, Inc, a provider of legal career information in the US, and the co-founder of  He’s taken this background in lawyer career development and turned it into one of the single most useful books I’ve ever seen for lawyers who are worried about losing their jobs, lawyers who have already lost their jobs, and lawyers who would like to move from a less than thrilling practice area into something more fruitful.

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Smartphone Shootout – Which Is Best For You?

- Filed Under: Practice Management

Big-firm-lawyers with BlackBerrys are so common that the image this phrase conjures up is almost a cliché. And many solo practitioners have been quick to adopt the stylish iPhone, so that they…

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