Why should I join the VLP?


It’s a great way to give back to your community. It’s a great way to try a new area of law. It’s a great way to make a difference.

You can choose the practice type and area. We offer flexible acceptance. You are covered under our malpractice insurance. You can also get CLE credit for your hours of pro bono service.

How to get involved?


Monthly Live Clinics:

Virtual Clinic via Zoom
Every 2nd Monday
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Meeting ID- 889-2878-6465
Dial in Number- 312-626-6799, code 889-2878-6465
Sign up here.

Tuscaloosa: Tuscaloosa Public Library
Every 3rd Thursday
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sign up here.

Selma: Dr. Michael and Catherine Bullock Community and Recreational Center
First Wednesday of the Month 

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Sign up here.
Download flyer here

Disaster Relief Manual for attorneys participating in VLP programs.

Other Ways to Get Involved


Wills for Heroes

This program was created to provide service to the first responders that serve and protect us every day. These clinics are hosted by request from local fire and police departments. During these clinics we provide first responders with a power of attorney, advanced healthcare directive, and will. Please check the scoop for information on when and where these clinics are being held.

Wills for Seniors

This program is an extension of the wills for heroes project. Like first responders, it is very important that seniors have their documents in order should the unthinkable occur. Seniors are a part of the community and rarely prepare for what will happen when they are no longer here. This program works to inform and prepare seniors about the importance of estate planning documents. This program provides seniors with a power of attorney, advanced healthcare directive, and will. We hope that our efforts will provide peace of mind for the seniors and their families and reduce heir property issues. Please check the scoop for information on when and where these clinics are being held.

If you are interested in volunteering at any of these clinics, please contact Hilaire Armstrong.

Hilaire Armstrong
Pro Bono Clinic Coordinator
Volunteer Lawyers Program